REACH updates are occurring constantly...
Here you will find the latest running totals for the REACH SVHC candidate list, authorisation list, and SIN list, plus some of the latest news alerts from the European Chemicals Agency, ECHA.
REACH Running Totals:
SVHC Candidate List (CL) Entries: 247
Substances on Annex XIV for Authorisation: 59
Substitute it Now (SIN) List: 1500
SIN List Database: click here
For the ECHA list of Restricted Substances click, here. For the Registry of SVHC Intentions on ECHA's website click here. This registry allows interested parties to be aware of substances that might be identified as SVHCs before they are included on the candidate list.
The SVHC candidate list is updated regularly by ECHA the new total is 247 entries as of January 21, 2025.
Breaking News:
Latest news alerts from ECHA:
- ECHA adds five hazardous chemicals to the Candidate List: January 21, 2025
- ECHA Adds One Hazardous Chemicals to Candidate List: November 7, 2024
- ECHA Adds One Hazardous Chemicals to Candidate List: June 27, 2024
- ECHA Adds Five Hazardous Chemicals to Candidate List: January 23, 2024
- ECHA Adds Two Hazardous Chemicals to Candidate List: June 14, 2023
- ECHA Adds Nine Hazardous Chemicals to Candidate List: January 17, 2023
- One Hazardous Chemicals added to the Candidate List: June 10, 2022
- Four Hazardous Chemicals added to the Candidate List: January 17, 2022
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Eight New SVHCs: July 8, 2021
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Four New SVHCs: January 19, 2021
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Four New SVHCs: June 25, 2020
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Four New SVHCs: January 16, 2020
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Four New SVHCs: July 16, 2019
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Six New SVHCs: January 15, 2019
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Ten New SVHCs: June 27, 2018
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Seven New SVHCs: January 15, 2018
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with One New SVHC: July 7, 2017
- 12 New Substances Added to REACH Authorisation List
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Four New SVHCs: January 12, 2017
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with One New SVHC: June 20, 2016
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Five New SVHCs: December 17, 2015
- ECHA Updates Candidate List with Two New SVHCs: June 15, 2015
- ECHA Updates Candidate List Updated with Six New SVHCs: December 17, 2014
- Candidate List Updated with Four New SVHCs: June 16, 2014